Transferring between Primary Schools
Bolton Council is responsible for co-ordinating admissions into all schools for those families resident within the Bolton Metropolitan Borough. This includes
- Children wishing to change from one school to another school within the borough
- Children who have arrived into the borough requiring a school place
- Children wishing to move from an independent school to a school maintained by the Council
- Children resident in the borough but requiring admission to a school in another borough
If you live in the area of another local authority then you must make an application through the school admission team for that authority
Is there an application form I need to complete?
The application form that the parents/carers will be required to complete when requesting admission to a new school can be found under the downloads tab of this page together with the notes of guidance.
You must ensure your child’s continued attendance at their current school whilst your application is being considered however it is recognised that for families who have moved into Bolton this may not always be possible. You must in such circumstances inform the headteacher at their previous school of the arrangements you are making.
Lostock Primary School Admissions Policy
Lostock Primary School admissions are controlled by the Local Authority (LA). We have no affiliation to any particular religious denomination. The LA organises a Coordinated Admissions Procedure.
We do hold an Open Day each year for prospective parents providing an opportunity for you to come and visit school whilst it is in action
- Booklets and preference forms
During the autumn term preceding the academic year when your son or daughter starts school, the LA will post out booklets (containing the school’s admission criteria) and preference forms to all parents who have registered with the LA.
- Returning the preference forms
By a given date, usually in January, you should return the preference form to the Local Authority with confirmation of the home address.
- Offers of places
The following April all parents will be sent a single offer of a school place by the LA. If a place is not offered at the preferred school your child’s name will automatically be placed on a waiting list. The LA will offer advice as to how you can appeal.
- Late applications
These will be considered after those received on time.
- When a place is offered
Once a place is offered and accepted you will receive a letter inviting you to a New Parents’ Evening at the start of the Summer Term where you will be given further information and have an opportunity to meet the staff. You will also be given details about preliminary visits to school.
- Preliminary visits
These take place during May. The Reception Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant also visit your child at his/her Nursery or Playgroup.
- Starting school in September
We have a staggered approach to starting school in September. Children are admitted into the Reception class a few at a time. This enables the children to settle in more quickly.
In Year Admissions
It is possible to be admitted to school during an academic year if places are available in that year group. The LA organises all in year admissions.
Parents can contact the school or Pupil and Student Services (01204 333 333/ to enquire if there are any vacancies.