Please use the school reading folder to protect and carry books and homework.
Learning Logs homework is given out every other Monday and is due back in the following Monday. This gives children a full week to complete the work. The Learning Logs provide the opportunity to reinforce the many new skills and techniques being introduced in class. The focus of the Learning Logs homework is likely to be a Reading or SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) task.
‘MyMaths’ is an interactive online teaching and homework website, which our school has subscribed to, in order to build pupil engagement and consolidate maths knowledge. By using school and individual login details, children are able to log in the ‘MyMaths’ website to access their Maths homework tasks online. Teachers are able to set homework tasks for individual children, groups of children or the whole class. Children in Reception will also receive an interactive maths homework but this will be set via Microsoft Teams.
They will also set the date for when the homework should be completed, which will usually be for the following week, as it is with the Learning Logs. The tasks contain questions, which are based on a specific Learning Objective and will build on, or consolidate, what the children have been learning in school. When children log on to the website, they will see which homework tasks are due as well as being able to access tasks which have already been completed. This will be very useful for revision, as children can repeat any tasks which have been already been completed.
What are our expectations as regards the children’s work in their homework book? Biros should not be used. We would prefer KS1 children to use pencil and children in KS2 to use a handwriting or fountain pen. Of course, there will be some occasions when the children may want to use gel pens or highlighters to enhance some of their text.
The children should also be reading at least 5 times per week and completing their reading diaries. It would be much appreciated if you could sign the reading diaries. Reading should be a pleasurable experience! Please encourage your child to read a variety of books and other literature, both fiction and non-fiction. In addition, the children are expected to learn their times tables and, when appropriate, revise their spelling patterns. Please bring reading books and reading diaries into school every day.
Your support and encouragement for home based activities is vital and we really appreciate all of your hard work. The positive impact which it has on your child’s progress and learning is clear.