Mental Health and Well-being

At Lostock Primary School, Mental Health and Wellbeing is a priority and we want all our children and stakeholders to be happy and understand how to handle different emotions. We support our children in a range of different ways throughout the year and believe in following the 5 Ways of Wellbeing to encourage and promote positive Mental Health. Below are some useful links which may provide useful information, advice and support.


Find resources for both children and parents/carers alike, to support mental wellbeing and safeguarding.

Focusing on prevention and early intervention to support and improve the health and wellbeing of children and their families.

NSPCC’s Talk Pants Campaign is a great resource to support conversations with your children about keeping safe.

Full of information about what bullying is along with support and advice.

An educational awareness program for children promoting healthy and safe relationships.

Supporting children with resources and games, equipping them with understanding about money.

This site was created for young people, carers and professionals to pool together lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and well-being.

BBC Teach – A collection of clips that help unlock growth mindset ideas for pupils and teachers using a cast of animated characters who explore the differences between fixed and growth mindsets.

BBC Teach – A collection of short animated films that use powerful personal testimony to explore mental health issues from the perspective of young people.

A guide to help you to manage your worry and anxiety in these uncertain times. 

A pdf to print and work through..

Emotionally Based School Avoidance: A resource for parents and carers

A PDF with advice from Public Health England

A useful comprehensive booklet of information for families suffering a bereavement.

 Advice from the WHO on helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak


A guide to keeping children safe online with areas dedicated to different age groups.

Keeping you active with Joe Wicks!

Fun and engaging videos to keep children active.

Online support for road safety.

Inspirational site including family recipes and ways in which to keep children and their families active and eating healthily.


A great resource filled with tips and advice on keeping children safe online.

Information and activities to support children’s positive mental health.

Filled with interactive games and videos to support mental wellbeing.

Information related to childhood bereavement and support that can be given to children and their families.


Providing refuge for those affected by domestic abuse and violence. Fortalice – Domestic Abuse Charity North West – 01204 365677

Providing refuge for those affected by domestic abuse and violence. Domestic Abuse and Violence Support Services – Endeavour

Achieve Recovery Services – services for drug and alcohol recovery in
Bolton, Salford and Trafford

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