School Lunch

You can choose from the following options: 

  1. a) Your child may go home for lunch during their allocated lunch break, and return for the afternoon register. Please see the office for specific details and timings
  2. b)  Your child can stay in school for the lunchtime period and have:
  • i) choice of school meal – this is a cooked lunch, made on the premises and consists of two courses, or
  • ii) a packed lunch – you can send your child with a picnic type meal in a sandwich box plus a drink.

No glass bottles or cans are allowed.

Please note: unfortunately, no chilling facilities are available for packed lunches

All Reception and KS1 pupils are currently entitled to free school meals as part of a government initiative.

Parents/carers of KS2 pupils can pay for meals via their Parent Pay account. From September 2024 the cost per day is £2.55 per child.

We have a cafeteria system in school where children choose from a choice of 3 main dishes and 2 sweets.

If your child wishes to change from his/her current arrangements please give us at least ​half a term’s notice.

The children are supervised in their classrooms when the weather is wet and should keep something to occupy them in school at such times e.g. crayon books, puzzle books, small, quiet games or cards.

The school has a healthy eating policy. The children can bring a piece of fruit, sticks of carrot, cheese or health bar to eat at playtime.

Tuck (which provides a nutritious snack) is available every morning break, at a cost ​of 40p a day. Tuck (which provides a nutritious snack) is available every morning break, at a cost of 46p a day.

We do ask that all foods sent into school are NUT FREE. We do have some children with serious allergies to nuts and wish to reduce the risks as much as possible.

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3

Free schools Meal Leaflet.

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