We are proud to announce that we are officially Outstanding!!! Click here to read the report.

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Lostock Primary School
Aim High, Together We Will Fly
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This website has been designed to give you an insight into the life of our school, help answer any questions you might have and encourage you come along and find out more about us. I started at Lostock back in 2014 and I still feel extremely proud to be the Headteacher of such a wonderful school. Our children experience success and achieve exceptionally well through expert teachers, delivering our extremely ambitious curriculum in an extraordinary way. Our children become equipped with the skills and attributes they need to pursue their dreams and become life-long learners. We create a caring and supportive environment in which each individual is nurtured and where their successes and achievements are celebrated, whatever their starting points.

We strongly believe that a thriving partnership between home and school is vital. It is through a combination of our professional ability to create a caring, stable and stimulating environment, mutual trust and shared responsibility that everyone can prosper and achieve an awareness of their own individual potential. Our motto encapsulates our shared vision: ‘Aim High, Together We Will Fly’ and our mission statement describes our core values as the ‘Lostock family’

Vicki Guest


Aim High, Together We Will Fly

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