Remote Learning

We are thrilled that the school remains open to all pupils since the covid pandemic, which affected all schools nationally in 2020 and 2021. However, whilst we do not anticipate school will not be closing any time in the future, plans are in place for home learning if and when necessary. Please see a summary of our teaching and learning plans for the following scenarios:

  1. If a child is fit and well, they should be in school, learning in class.
  2. If a child is unwell, with Coronavirus or any other illness, meaning they are too unwell to be in school, there is no expectation for them to complete any home learning.
  3. If a child is self-isolating, adhering to national guidance, but feeling well in themselves, home learning guides, linked to current curriculum learning, will be uploaded onto Microsoft Teams.
  4. If the class/ whole school is closed due to a rise in positive cases of Coronavirus, the class teacher will lead home learning via Microsoft Teams, setting specific learning tasks each day (See below).

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