At Lostock Primary School, throughout our Early Years and Key Stage 1 classes we teach Early Reading through delivering well planned, synthetic, systematic phonics sessions each day. We follow the DfE validated programme Essential Letters and Sounds to ensure that we have a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics. Our phonics sessions, teach children the skills they need to be confident readers and writers. The lessons follow the same format each day so the children know what to expect and maximises the learning potential of the session. As the children travel through the phonics phases, they will learn new sounds, build on their knowledge of existing sounds and learn spelling patterns. Children are also given the opportunity daily to revisit and review their previous learning to ensure it becomes fully embedded. Their learning environment and home reading books will include sounds that they are familiar with to consolidate their learning and enhance their confidence in reading and writing.
Reading is taught daily in every class. Reception and Year 1 children take part in a small group Guided Reading session at least twice a week. These sessions are led by an adult and build children’s reading strategies while teaching children new reading skills. When the children are not working with an adult they complete different activities independently to help them further develop as readers.
Children from Year 2 to Year 6 will continue to bring home reading books from a range of books appropriate to their reading point. In addition, the class teacher leads a whole class reading lesson each day. During the session, the teacher models reading aloud a variety of books and extracts over the year, exposing children to a wide range of texts. Quality, challenging texts are selected from The 5 Plagues of Reading to create a reading spine ensuring that the children are exposed to texts with complex narratives, resistant plots, archaic vocabulary, non-linear time sequences and figurative language. Children are listened to reading aloud during these sessions through using echo reading, choral reading or reading to their partner. As well as developing reading fluency in reading lessons, class teachers are teaching the children essential skills and how to be a good reader. Each session may focus specifically on one of these reading skills

Reading across the Curriculum
Progression Documents