Our Learning – Curriculum
We have an overall Curriculum policy which states our curricular aims and strategies. As well as aims, all the subjects have other documents such as schemes of work and guidelines on assessment and children with special educational needs and/or disability. Please Click Here to see our Curriculum Policy, which outlines how we comply with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and SEND Regulations 2014 and how we make the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or Special Educational Needs.
The Governing Board also has a statutory duty to state its curricular aims and these are as follows:
The primary curriculum must be geared to the needs of all primary children; it will take account of home circumstances, the extent of children’s past experiences and the stages of human development. It will also recognise that the foundations laid down by the parents form the starting point for further progress, and that this is the shared responsibility of both parents and teachers. We aim to have a holistic approach to the curriculum, in that all areas of the child’s learning are developed, academic, sporting, musical, artistic, and technological as well as the child’s spiritual, moral, cultural and social development. We aim to have high expectations and standards, and always look to improve the quality of teaching and learning for our children.
All children are taught the National Curriculum from 5 years of age which includes the following subjects:
Design Technology
Foreign Languages
In addition, your child will also be taught Religious Education (RE). We follow the locally agreed syllabus at Lostock, the content of which is not set by the school but by a committee containing a range of faiths. Knowledge and understanding of faiths, namely Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism is taught, both in KS1 and KS2. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from RE lessons if they wish.
Your child, however, learns more than academic subjects at school – he/she will also learn to work together with others, to communicate and be articulate, to play fairly and be part of a team, and to be responsible and respectful of others and their property. They will learn to have good manners, to give their best even when things get difficult and to be confident. Included in the school curriculum is Personal Health & Social Education which includes safety, drug education and healthy eating.
Sex Education is taught, via the Jigsaw scheme, at appropriate levels to all children in Years 1-6 and covers growth, puberty and adolescence, plus looking after yourself. You have the right to withdraw your child from Sex Education if you wish.