PSHE and Jigsaw
At Lostock, we follow the nationally recognised scheme of work ‘Jigsaw’ to cover the Personal Social and Health Education within our curriculum. The scheme is split into six key theme areas which are delivered across the academic year. Each year group focuses on the same theme, at the same time and builds on their knowledge, understanding and skills as they move through school. The key messages are then reinforced through our themed assemblies and within day to day learning.
As part of the Jigsaw curriculum, children learn about Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). The coverage within these lessons is all age appropriate and follow the recommendations made by the Department for Education (DfE). In order to support parents and carers in understanding what is covered in these lessons, we provide RSE workshops to parents of those children who are in Year 1 and Year 5.
These workshops provide information about the content, including examples of the children’s work and an opportunity to ask questions to find out more. It is hoped from these workshops, parents/carers feel comfortable in the knowledge that this aspect of their children’s learning is extremely important. We recognise that not everyone can attend these workshops so we have created this area of the website so that you can remain informed of how we deliver this aspect of our curriculum.
From September 2020, the new guidelines state that children must be taught about ‘relationships’ but the ‘sex education’ element remains non-statutory in Primary Schools. We hope that you find the workshops/ documents useful so that you can make an informed decision about whether your child takes part in the sex education lessons. If you wish for your child to be excused from these lessons, an appointment must be made with the Head Teacher to discuss this as soon as possible.
Progression Documents
Subject Impact Video