Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership

We believe the best schools have a pupil lead culture where children take on key leadership roles and get their voice heard. We whole-heartedly value the work of our pupil leaders, using it to shape the teaching and learning that happens at our school. We are moulding leaders of the future, ready for work, ready for the world. We strive to craft confident and articulate leaders who can share their views to any audience and apply their leadership skills to real life situations.

The aim of the various teams within the Pupil Leadership Team is to enable children the chance to have leadership within the school, ensuring that their voices and opinions are heard. We are a pupil led school, regularly receiving pupil voice to make improvements.

Please check out our video which explains how we challenge our children and promote pupil leadership at Lostock Primary School.


Challenge for all children          
At Lostock Primary School we recognise the importance of challenge for all of our children.  Through an ambitious curriculum, we promote opportunities for our children to delve deeper into their learning experience whilst becoming hardworking, conscientious and reflective learners.  We are working towards the NACE challenge award which will validate our ambition to ensure that all children achieve their potential. 
Our More Able policy outlines how we cater for children who are working above the age-related expectations. We warmly invite parents to get in touch if you think we could develop and enhance our offer even further.  You can find this in our ‘Our School/School Policies’ section of the website. 
If your child is More Able, you will be notified via your child’s class teacher.  Our More Able policy further explains how we identify children to be More Able. 
If you think your child is Exceptionally More Able (Top 2% highest performing in the country) in any aspect of the curriculum, please get in touch.  
If you wish to find out more about challenge and supporting children who require additional challenge, please find links below to various websites.

10 proven ways to help your child do well at school. Simple steps every parent can try at home | School Guide Blog


Developing a Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck – YouTube


Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset – YouTube


Perspectives on more able – NACE

Our School Council hold regular meetings to discuss how we can keep the best possible learning environment for everyone. We look at our action plan and deal with any matters that may arise.

School Council

Year 3- Saara M and Umayr

Year 4- Theo and Carys

Year 5- William and Violet

Year 6

Head Boy- Jamal

Deputy Head Boy -James

Head Girl- Sophie

Deputy Head Girl- Lottie

Heads of school council- Zoya and Scott

Deputy Heads of School Council- Allie and Max

School Council Job Description >

Our Lostock Eco Council give all children a voice about environmental and eco-friendly issues in our school. They meet on Monday mornings once a month to share ideas they have gathered from their peers and to promote eco-friendly initiatives across the school. They are role models to all pupils and are approachable at all times.

Eco Council


Year 3- Lauren and Ayaan

Year 4- Lloyd and Ella

Year 5- Saima and Ben

Year 6- Jake P and Lucas

Eco Council Job Description >

Our ambassadors work alongside the subject leaders in school by completing monitoring and environment checks. The ambassador has regular meetings with the subject leader and helps achieve the steps set out in action plans. Our ambassador also liaises with other adults, visitors and inspectors in school.

Subject Ambassadors

RE Sonny Y5

Art Alice Y6

Music Eleanor Y5

Computing Matilda Y5

Maths Rahmah Y5

Mindfulness Macy A Y5

French Sophie Y6

Writing Saima Y5

Reading Jamal Y6

DT Carys Y4

Outdoor Violet Y5

Science Ben Y5

Geography Scott Y6

PE Sami Y4

History Zoya Y6

Our Digital Leaders give all children a voice about Computing and E-safety in our school. They support peers and staff during computing lessons both in their own classes and across key stages. They are role models to all pupils, demonstrating excellent online behaviour.

Digital Leaders

Year 3- Charlotte and Sami

Year 4- Milo and Drithi

Year 5- Rahmah and Noah

Year 6- Milan and Arthur

Digital Leaders Job Description >

The Pupil Leadership Accreditation offers a formal way to champion and celebrate the leadership skills of our children. They will develop these skills in school and this accreditation requires children to create a portfolio in which they gather and upload evidence to showcase their skills. They grade their work using a self-assessment framework that covers ten core skill sets, grouped into three themes:

·         Developing myself

·         Working with others

·         Contributing to my community

Lostock Listeners

Lostock Listeners aim to provide an environment that is positive, caring, safe and friendly.  Pupils can resolve low level conflicts and help children come to a resolution with guidance.

Our Lostock Listeners are volunteers from Year 6, rotated on a daily basis.



Our Year 5 playleaders support KS1 children during lunchtimes.  They encourage children to join in games and develop their social skills, which in turns helps them with their self-esteem.

Growth Mindset

We encourage our pupils to have a Growth Mindset and develop the belief that they can achieve anything through hard work and determination. The children are taught to learn from their mistakes and that success comes from hard work and effort. Each week, our Growth Mindset leaders nominate a child in school who has shown resilience and persevered with their learning that week and we celebrate them for being a Growth Mindset Champion.

Growth Mindset

Year 3- Imani and Thomas

Year 4- Harry and Jelly

Year 5- Mustafa and Aadam

Year 6- Sulayman and Musa

Sports Leaders


Year 3- Cairo and Lola

Year 4- Zayaan and Phoebe

Year 5- Sonny and Dolly

Year 6- Alice and Jake W

Sports Leaders

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