Financial Support

We are committed to ensuring that every child at Lostock Primary School has equal access to all opportunities available to them, regardless of financial position, and have worked hard to identify and overcome the barriers to learning that children from families with less financial resources face. We are currently in the process of carrying out a full poverty-proofing audit which looks at many different aspects of school life. This involves all stakeholders in school including children, parents, staff and governors and we are looking at reducing the cost of the school day to ensure that all children have access to resources and activities which may cost money. It is important that our families are aware of the support that we can provide and therefore this page provides details of some of the support available. We have created an action plan tailored to address our school policies and practices and used the opportunity to explore the most effective way to spend our pupil premium allocation.

For further information about poverty proofing click here

Free school meals eligibility checker – Bolton Council

Cost of living support – Bolton Council

Funded Early Education – Bolton Council

Help paying for childcare eligibility checker

Parenting courses – Bolton Council

This May help – This is a new national initiative providing mental health
advice to parents and carers who have concerns about their child’s mental

Money Helper Service – The free government-backed MoneyHelper service. Free
and impartial help with money.

Money Advice Referral Tool. MART -Resolve Poverty

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