
Our school day starts at 8.55am which is when the register is taken. School is open from 8.40am to give time for the children to come into school, get their things sorted and complete independent basic skills tasks, ready to start learning at 8.55am. To encourage this prompt start, we have a ‘Beat the Bell’ trophy for the most punctual class.

If your child is ill or not arriving at the proper time, please phone us at school or complete the absence reporting section of the school app. If your child is ill during the school day, or has an accident, you will be informed by use of the contact number you have provided on the data collection form. It is important you tell us of any changes to this number, and any priority contact numbers you have provided.

If the school is not notified, your child is marked as having ‘unauthorised absence’. These figures appear on the child’s report and are collected and published by the Department for Education. For the school year 2022-2023, the school had an average of 209 children on roll, with a 95.52% attendance record. Of these absences, 3.99% were authorised and 0.49% unauthorised.

Your child may, on special occasions, miss a school session – provided we are notified beforehand – for medical or dental appointments, exams or interviews. This type of absence is authorised. An exit permit will be required and will be provided by the office staff.

In September 2013, the Government changed the criteria for requests for leave of absence and/or holidays in term time, and Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Our aim is for children to attend school every day, but we know that when children are ill this is not always possible. However, both attendance and punctuality are monitored across each term and if there are concerns regarding these areas, you may be contacted to discuss ways in which school can provide support. 

Each week, you will be informed, via the school newsletter, of your child’s class attendance and how that compares with OFSTED expectations.




Attendance Grade Indicator
Above 96% High
95.1% – 96% Above Average
94% – 95% Average
Below 94% Low

Please click here to view our attendance leaflet for more information

Attendance Leaflet

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