Aim High, Together We Will Fly
Ethos and Values
Our purpose is to provide a caring learning environment with high standards and expectations, where your child will grow into a responsible, resilient, independent learner. Our school ethos is firmly rooted in our values, as set out in our mission statement, so that our children will ‘Aim High, Together We Will Fly’. We believe firmly in close co-operation between home and school, where parents share our aspirations and expectations for their children and support our community. We are proud of our school and the job that we do and we value highly your support as partners in the educational process.
Vision Statement
Our vision is for Lostock to become an outstanding school, providing a high quality education for all children.
The school’s curriculum intent and implementation are embedded securely and consistently across the school, which makes full use of the exceptional facilities and enables all children, regardless of their learning styles, abilities and background, to participate fully and achieve their personal best. Pupils’ work across the curriculum is consistently of a high quality. Each child thrives in a safe, continuously improving and varied learning environment.
Children are challenged and become active, independent, reflective learners, who enjoy their time as part of the Lostock family and will leave as confident and resilient individuals, well equipped to participate fully in the next stage of their education. They develop a thirst for knowledge and an awareness of their rights and responsibilities, including respect and concern for others and their diversity.
The school is led by an exceptional team who believe that every child deserves an outstanding education and that this can only be achieved in partnership with all stakeholders. Parents are actively involved in their child’s learning and all staff, teaching and non-teaching, through example and opportunities for continuous learning, become outstanding practitioners, who feel valued as part of an outstanding school.
In other words, “Aim high, together we will fly”.
Our Mission Statement
- Developing a love of Learning
- Experiencing enjoyment
- Building self-esteem
- Always being honest
- Striving to fulfil our potential
- Reaching high expectations
- Advancing knowledge with flourishing individuals